Crocworld crocs on a healthy new diet

Regular visitors to Crocworld Conservation Centre in Scottburgh need not be alarmed to note that the daily croc feedings have halted from 12 to 20 March. The crocodiles are on a short diet that will stimulate their appetites ahead of the cooler winter months. “Naturally in the wild, crocodiles don’t get fed every day or…

Arrival of the famous Sardine Run concludes Scottburgh’s Ocean Festival programme

For the second year running, the globally renowned Sardine Run arrived on the final day of the Ocean Festival on the KZN South Coast’s Scottburgh. This is a fitting gesture for the festival, which commemorates World Oceans Day (8 June) while encouraging ocean conservation through its themes ‘Engagement, Education, and Economics’. The dynamic event programme,…

Top KZN matrics to argue case in the Netherlands

Next week, a controversial case involving an international mining operation using slave labour will be argued at The Hague in the Netherlands by two top KwaZulu-Natal pupils. Although the case is fictional, the unique experience for Crawford College La Lucia matrics, Tharin Pillay, 16, and Caton Schutte, 17 at the International High School Moot Court…

How wreck diver died

Annelie Wada’s fellow divers watched helplessly as she ascended rapidly out of control more than 50m to the ocean surface where she blacked out and died moments later. The deep-sea diver was declared dead on Wednesday after attempts to resuscitate her, following the decompression accident, failed. Wada was with three other divers descending 103m to…